Hamlyn All Colour Cookery: 200 Pasta Dishes: Hamlyn All Colour Cookbook

200 Pasta Recipes provides everyone with a comprehensive guide to creating 200 easy-to-make and tempting pasta recipes. Whether you fancy a simple Spring Garden Pasta Salad, a Classic Meat Lasagne or a more extravagant pasta dish with Swordfish, Artichoke Hearts & Black Olives, this book supplies recipes for all tastes, appetites and occasions. Every recipe is accompanied by a full-page color photograph and clever variations and new ideas to give you over 200 meals to choose from. The hardest part for you is deciding which delicious dish to cook first!

ISBN 9780600633532
類目 Cookbooks, Food and Drinks, Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Lifestyle
作者 Filippelli, Marina
出版商 Hamlyn
重量 0.386 kg