What Puppy?

A puppy's temperament, coat changes, eating habits, and growth patterns are things that new dog owners should know before that cute new ball of fur even arrives. In "What Puppy?," respected dog breeder and author Sara John profiles 100 of the most popular breeds. Each profile... Details facts about puppy nutrition, exercise, and healthExplores the puppy's temperament as well as the nature of the full grown dogFeatures color photos of puppies at different stages Readers will find profiles for pedigreed puppies such as the Beagle, Collie, Golden Retriever, Corgi, and Whippet. Also included are popular cross breeds like Cockapoos, Puggles, Labradoodles, and Morkies. More than 400 color photos throughout.

ISBN 9781438002446
類目 Non-Fiction, Non-Fiction: Lifestyle, Pets and Animals
作者 Sara John
出版商 Barron's Educational
重量 0.45 kg